Season finale now cancelled
The Oakville Symphony has now received confirmation that the Oakville Centre will remain closed until the end of May 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We are deeply saddened that our season finale on May 9th and 10th is now cancelled.
Our concerts are the culmination of months of work, rehearsals and expenditures. The unforeseen cancellation of half of our season, and the disappearance of several other sources of revenue, present us with a unique financial challenge at the moment.
Patrons can greatly assist the Oakville Symphony and its musicians by donating their concert tickets and receiving a tax receipt instead of a refund. We would be sincerely grateful if you would consider this option, as many of you so generously did for the cancelled April concerts. The Oakville Centre has emailed concert ticket-holders, and ticket turn-ins (donations) can be made simply by responding “Donate” to the email.
We send our heartfelt thanks for supporting your symphony orchestra, and look forward with great pleasure to performing for you next season. Subscribers will receive information in the mail about our exciting 2020-21 concerts, which will also be posted on our website in due course. In the meantime, the Board, staff and musicians wish you and your family a safe and healthy summer.